Product Description
These premium quality Spanish saffron threads in a 10g pack are from respected producer Marosa. The saffron is presented in a plastic box which is tied with gold coloured string. It makes a lovely gift pack.
Saffron is the most valued of all spices, known as “The King of Spices” and “The red Gold”. It provides a distinctive taste, as well as a wonderful aroma and colour to any dish. Use it in savoury and sweet recipes alike. It complements an impressive range of ingredients, and even when it doesn’t dominate a dish, its flavour and distinct aroma elevate its surrounding flavors into something ethereal. You only need to use a small amount to impart that unique flavour and colour to your dishes.
Apart from its culinary value saffron has multiple uses worldwide from medicinal use (as a diuretic, astringent, stimulant, to cosmetic, dyes and is popular in many cultures as a gift for special occasions.
ABOUT Saffron Quality
You will find cheap Saffron in many stores. But this almost certainly indicates a lower quality product which has less of an impact in your recipe. If you’re going to the trouble of using this beautiful ingredient don’t go for the cheap and nasty stuff! You should buy a reputable brand from a reputable supplier.
It is not difficult to identify quality saffron. The threads should be long and thick at the end. The active substances of this spice – crocin, picrocrocin and safranal ‒ are found in the red part (the stigma). The yellow part (the style) lacks these substances and, therefore, has no coloring power, aroma or flavor. So, higher quality saffron has less of the yellow part of the stigmas and a therefore larger amount of active substances per unit of weight. The high price of this ingredient means that some unscrupulous manufacturers stoop to fraud by, for example, including the yellow parts but dying them red to make them look like a high-quality product. Worse still, some use non-saffron “fillers” mixed with a little bit of real saffron and pass it off as “pure”.
Check out this video to see what we mean!
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